About Us
KCC a wonderful place to learn and grow together.
Developmentally Appropriate Early Childhood Education
For young children, every experience or encounter presents a learning opportunity. At KCC we consistently examine our curriculum, instruction and the student's environment to maximize their learning and social-emotional development. To meet the needs of all students, we believe in using a Multi-tiered System of Supports that uses data based problem solving to identify and implement interventions of varying intensities (multiple tiers) based on the needs of each individual. Our goal at KCC is to help the whole child LEARN, GROW, and THRIVE.
Technology-Enhanced Instruction & Learning
- 2:1 Chromebooks Grades 1 and 2
- 2:1 iPads Preschool and Kindergarten Each classroom is equipped with ClearTouch interactive boards.
- Regular instruction from our technology teachers.
- Globally connecting with other schools via technology.
- Cross-age teaching with Mashpee Middle-High school students.
Enrichment Opportunities
The following is a sampling of what may be offered before and after school. It is Free and available for grades K-2.
- Cheerleading
- Book Clubs
- LEGO club
- Drama
- Symphony Man & Lexia Club
- Bucket Builders
- Art Studio
- Technology Club
- Hooked on Books
- Zentangle-mindfulness activities
- Walking and Waggin with Cassie, our therapy dog.
Family Engagement
- Back to School BBQ
- Kindergarten Here We Come
- Pre School and Kindergarten Playdates
- STEM Night
- Math Night
- Dr. Seuss Night
- Music concerts
- Volunteerism
- Flag Day
PTO Sponsored Events
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Falcon Fun Run
- Black light Dance
- Boosterthon
- Giving Tree
- Local Heroes and Military Luncheon
- PTO funded field trips, grade level and whole school assemblies
Follow the PTO's events and activities by joining their PTO Facebook Page. Click this link to join their page and to see what is happening.